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Amiga delta table calculator

This little tool helps you to recalculate tables according to the difference between each entry.
This is useful to help compressors to shrink data since we assume deltas are more redundant than single entryes of the table.

Fill the upper textarea with the table entries for example: dc.b %10000000 ; X:1 Y:1 InputValue: 0.250000 dc.b %11001011 ; X:1 Y:3 InputValue: 0.397584 ... Then press the "Generate" button.
On the bottom textarea you will see the difference between the current entry and the previous, ready to be copied/pasted into your program.
The following is a little m68k ASM snippet/example that can reconstruct the original table. lea DATASRC,a0 lea DATADST,a1 moveq #0,d1 move.w #4096-1,d7 loop: move.w (a0)+,d0 add.w d1,d0 move.w d0,(a1)+ move.w d0,d1 dbra d7,loop ... DATADST: dcb.w 4096,0 DATASRC: dc.w 128 ; X:1 Y:1 InputValue: 0.250000 ...